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Monday, September 6, 2010

The Car Ride Home

"The day isn't long enough,"
He thought in the car.
And that's not a bluff,
Not by far. 

He had a great day
And that's about it.
He had nothing to say, 
Not even a little bit. 

He stared through the glass
At the bright city.
And although it was crass,
He felt it was a pity.

That such a great day would end,
It must be a sin.
It felt like pretend
As he stared out again.

She gave him life, 
She gave him joy.
There was no strife, 
Although she looked coy.

He glanced at her
But didn't say a word.
She looked light as a feather
Fallen from a bird.

Her beauty was endless,
Her voice was magnificent.
He didn't want to press,
But he needed to hint.

He needed her so bad,
It felt like a shame.
To end the day so sad,
Would be pretty lame.

Every day with her was amazing,
But this one especially,
Deserved a lot of praising,
To be given whole-heartedly. 

The dreaded time came.
The car screeched to a halt.
There was no one to blame,
But the girl he did exalt. 

When the time came to leave,
She didn't say a word.
But what he did receive,
Didn't need to be heard. 

He felt her embrace
As she held on tightly.
He felt his heart race
And ever so rightly. 

Their feelings broke through.
They were being held dormant.
They were now being true.
They were alone for that moment.

They didn't need to look any more. 
They closed their eyes.
They couldn't feel the floor,
They were up in the skies.

Their lips pressed together,
It was their final kiss.
They held it forever, 
In eternal bliss.


  1. Dang it!!!! Why was it their final kiss? What happened? A great poem, with a twist. Frustrating but great.

  2. I can't believe I'm reading a love poem from one of my most cynical former students. How things change! But I love the raw emotions and insights. Keep it up, Rafi.

  3. Thanks Words Crafter. Your comments are always appreciated.

    Wow, Mr. Martin. It feels strange hearing from you. In regards to why I wrote a love poem, well it has been a really eventful summer for me. Thanks for the encouragement. Keep in touch more often, alright?

  4. So, when I first read this, I was procrastinating on more summer homework. I put down the book I was reading softly as I started reading the first couple stanzas.

    So the pattern, the beat, the form--is, in my unbiased opinion, rather elegant. Syntax, diction... very nice.

    NOW, aside from that, dear...

    I was literally put an awe-struck hand to my breast as I read this. I "aww-ed" and smiled, and held a dreamy expression, I'm sure. It was rather surprising, but very heart-warming and sweet to see this coming from you. You're such a helpless romantic, you know that?

    The intensity of your feelings in this poem, almost made me speechless.

    I honestly didn't know I was dating a poet until today. :)
