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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spiraling Down

The downward spiral. One of the most powerful forces to exist on Earth. It can happen mentally, it can happen physically, and it can happen emotionally. It's the worst case scenario when you, yourself, are bringing yourself down. Almost literally digging your own grave. Its twisted spiral gives the illusion of infinite descent and endless torment. It's the perfect Hell.

All of us have, at one point, found ourselves spiraling down. Anything can start it. "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed" is a common one, but it can be anything. A word, an implication, a realization. But, no matter how small it starts, it always grows. It sits in your mind and festers. One thought leads to another and then to another until you're slowly draining your own life away.

Why does this happen? It's because of our weaknesses. It's because we're afraid. Afraid that we aren't good enough. Afraid that we'll never change. Afraid that everything will be permanent. That no matter what we do, it'll never go away. We feed ourselves these lies until it does become true. Until we turn ourselves into our own nightmares. Until all our senseless fears turn into realities.

How do we stop this malignant force? It's simple. One simple act. One simple thought. One simple smile. Everything has to start somewhere. All it takes is the courage to make the simplest of gestures. I found myself questioning my worth, questioning my intelligence, questioning who I was. And then, for no reason at all, I decided to smile. That smile changed everything. It's impossible to think negative thoughts when you're smiling. You can't help but be optimistic. That smile saved me.

It's funny how the small things affect us most. How they can torture you and, at the same time, save you. Don't forget the small things. The small things make us different, make us unique. Appreciating them makes you happier. It puts things into perspective. Focus on the small things, and the rest will come.

"Remember, there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." -Scott Adams. 


  1. I'm honestly jealous yet at the same time, incredibly impressed by your blog posts lately. God, you are sooo smart and wise. There's so much to you, it's really unbelievable.

    When I read your blog posts, I admire you a bit more and more and more than I already did before I read it. But from reading this one, I'm just going to flat out say that I admire you. Your words, your thoughts--everything.

    Just one smile? The little things? This is genius. You know, if everyone thought this way we'd have less suicides, less anger and rage; more happiness or at least contentment in the world.

    I'll remember this post should I ever fall into one of my own downward spirals.

    Btw, your syntax and diction is simply beautiful. I really love the words you use and the way you use them. Your thoughts are very clear and amazingly articulate. You could be a writer yourself if you very well wanted to.

  2. I agree with Mel; you're very wise. This actually happens to me a lot.

    I will have to try to remember to do a small thing and stop wallowing in the spiral and/or letting it consume me for too long before recognizing it for what it is.

    Great subject for a post!
